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Image by Emily Morter


1. From which places/areas will the mentors be allotted?
Those mentors that live within your nearby area or maximum 10kms away will be allotted to you. For instance, a mentee from Borivali(W) could be given a mentor from either Borivali or Malad. 

2. Is T.C Mentorship all about career guidance?
No not entirely, although few aspects of your career will be discussed in the course of time with your mentor. T.C mentorship is more of a holistic approach to life. 


3. Will the matters discussed with the mentor be kept confidential between the mentor and mentee?
Yes, if you want too. A mentor will not disclose your inner thoughts to your parents until you permit them to do so and take them into confidence. Although, certain worrisome matters requiring urgent measures may be left to the discretion of the mentor. 


4. Can we still keep in touch with our mentors after the program is complete?
Yes. You can keep in touch with the mentors as they through the course of the program become your friends. 


5. Is it a necessity to attend all the webinars/sessions conducted? 
A mentee has to attend minimum 7 webinars and have a meeting with their mentor at least once a month in order to graduate. But we always recommend attending more than the number of webinars/sessions required, as it is highly beneficial for the mentee.


6. What happens during a webinar?
The organising committee of the T.C mentorship go out of their way to invite professional guests to speak about a wide range of topics during the webinars. These topics sometimes are chosen based on a majority by the mentees. At times, the mentors are guest speakers of the webinar and help give an insightful talk based on personal experiences that may help you figure things out. 


7. What are buddy meetings?
A group of mentors and mentees in a geographic area form a buddy group. This makes it convenient for them to meet up near their location.

Buddy groups are kind of a support group - created with the aim of sharing stories and solutions between experienced and new mentors.

The mentors and mentees of each buddy group are encouraged to come together to have fun and bond over entertaining or educational sessions.

8. Why has this program been named as 'Take Charge'?
Throughout the program your mentor will be a guiding light for you to discover yourself and reach your true potential. This program is your moulding period. Once you do that, you will be a bird ready to leave the cage and fly out into the world, then it is time for your mentees to 'Take Charge' of your life, your decisions. Hence the name 'Take Charge'. 


9. Whilst enrolling for the mentorship programme there is an enrolment form we have to fill out asking us about our stream, an idea of our career etc. Does that mean we will get a mentor of the same field as filled in the form?
No! You and your mentor may not be from the same field. Sometimes you and your mentor may be total opposites. But no worries as being opposites may turn out to be the best combination, you will gain even more perspective from someone way different from your line of thought. If there is a question pertaining to your career the mentor herself/himself will ask you to take the opinion of another mentor of the same field.


10. When is the next cohort going to commence?
The next cohort will commence in June - July 2025.


11. Is the Take Charge program time-consuming?
The Take Charge program requires you to meet your mentor for at least one hour in a month. The  time can be decided mutually between the mentor and mentee.
You are also required to attend the workshops, webinars that are held every alternate month. 


12. What if I do not get along with my Mentor?
The mentors are trained to create rapport with the mentee. It is a very unlikely possibility that you do not get along with your mentor. If you do, you should get in touch with the team and they will help you.


13. What is expected of me as a Mentee?
Your role as a mentee is to be fully invested in the program.

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